
Data Retention/Deletion/Export

Below is information on Zapier’s data retention/deletion practices for Customer Content processed in Zapier services (last updated: March 9, 2023):

Prior version


Zap Content (content transferred in and out of Zaps)

  • 7 days in logs.
  • 29-69 days in your Zapier account. If you subscribe to the Company plan, you can set a shorter retention period in your Zapier account.
  • Up to 4 months in backup.
  • Zap Content transferred when you test a Zap is stored until you delete the Zap. Once you have deleted the Zap, the Zap Content will then be subject to the other retention periods above.

Zap Runs (metadata about Zaps, such as name of the Zap, dates and times of the Zap run, and the Zap status

  • 7 days in logs.
  • 29-69 days in your Zapier account. If you subscribe to the Company plan, you can set a shorter retention period in your Zapier account.
  • Up to 4 months in backup.
  • Zap Runs are also stored in Zapier’s non-production database for internal Zapier product analytics purposes.

Zap Metrics (statistical metadata about Zaps)

  • Zap Metrics are stored in your Zapier account to provide you with relevant metrics about your Zaps.
  • Zap Metrics are also stored in Zapier’s non-production database for internal Zapier product analytics purposes.

Deletion options

These options describe how to manually delete a Zap or Zap Content from your account. Otherwise, data is deleted from logs and backups based on the standard retention periods described above.

Export options

These options describe how to manually export a Zap or Zap Content from your account.

Early Access Products

Tables (Beta)

Tables Content (content contained in your Tables) is stored in your Zapier account until you delete the specific content or entire table itself. Once you have deleted the specific content or entire table, then the Tables Content will also be removed from backup within 4 months.

You can also manually delete a Table or Tables Content from your account.

You may export your Tables Content on a per Table basis from within the Tables product.

Interfaces (Beta)

Interfaces Content (content contained in submissions to your Interfaces form) is stored in your Zapier account until you delete the Interface from within the product. Once you delete the Interface, the Interfaces Content will also be removed from backup within 4 months.

You may delete your Interfaces Content associated with a particular Interface from within the Interfaces product. If you have linked your Interface to a Table within the Zapier Tables product, you can separately delete that Table in the Tables product following the Table deletion instructions above. 

For exports of your Interfaces Content, please contact Support through our Get Help page.  

Transfer (Beta)

Transfer Runs (settings, schedule, and name of a Transfer) are stored in your Zapier account until you delete them. Once you delete a Transfer, the Transfer Runs associated with it will also be removed from backup within 4 months.

You may delete your Transfer Runs from within the Transfer product.

For exports of your Transfer Runs, please contact Support through our Get Help page.