
TOS Update FAQ

On August 16, 2023, we updated our Terms of Service (TOS). This update will go into effect on September 28, 2023, and includes changes regarding AI model training and taxes, along with clean-up and formatting changes.

AI Model Training

What is AI model training, and why does Zapier want to train AI models?

Model training is a way to make our AI-powered tools smarter by learning from data. If a tool isn’t great at answering one of your questions, we can train it with data to do better next time. Through model training, our goal is to improve the quality and functionality of Zapier AI tools like Zap Builder, Code with AI, and Formatter with AI. You can learn more about Zapier AI tools on our AI page.

What types of data will Zapier use to model train, and for what purposes?

We’ll be using a few types of de-identified data (no personal data/PII) to model train:

  1. Analytics Data (includes data such as the pages you view or the buttons you click). For example, we’ll use this data to understand when you might want to upgrade, the content/templates that are really helping you, and to track issues in our products and services.
  2. Configuration Data (includes data such as how you arrange workflows, tables, the order of apps/actions, and field mappings). For example, we’ll use this data to train models to help you create workflows of all types more easily and efficiently.
  3. Task Data (includes content such as task data flowing through your Zaps). For example, we analyze this to help flag or fix product issues. We call task data “Customer Content” in the TOS.

Our model training is only for improving Zapier products and services and not for any third-party use.

How can I control what data Zapier uses to model train?

You can control what data we use to model train based on your plan type or by opting out:

  1. Company Plan. If you have a Company plan subscription, your account and everyone on it are automatically opted out from Configuration Data and Task Data model training.
  2. Opt-Out Form. If you subscribe to any other plan (including our free plan), you can fill out our opt-out form to opt out of Task Data model training (requests processed on a per-user basis).

There isn’t an option to opt out of Analytics Data model training since that’s part of how we keep the Zapier platform working for all customers. Opt-outs also don’t apply to Zapier early access releases where you've agreed to our AI Supplementary Terms. Because they are under development, we use data to flag/fix issues and continue to make them better.

Will Zapier use my data to train non-Zapier (third-party) models or sell/share its models with others?

No and no. We only model train to improve/develop Zapier products and services for Zapier customers.


We also updated the tax language in our TOS to provide additional detail regarding applicable tax processes.

Additional Questions

For additional questions, please reach out to our Support Team (Contact Form).